About this Masterclass

Deployment of application in kubernets involves lots of yaml and json writing and integrating them with right resources is not easy job so helm bring the feature that can solve the problem for the deployments of bigger projects which can packaged inform of charts its like package manager for kubernetes.

Topics Covered

Helm for k8s
Helm v2 vs v3
Monitoring tools deployment like prometheus and grafana
Creating charts and managing repo
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Key Takeaways

You Will Not Get Back Empty Handed From Here. We Have Packed A Lot For You

Real-world projects

Real-world projects

Strong alumni backed community

Strong alumni backed community

Understanding of Github

Understanding of Github

Get Insights from Industry Mentors

Get Insights from Industry Mentors

Gain Career Essential Soft Skills

Gain Career Essential Soft Skills

Tools Covered



Kubernetes k8s

Kubernetes k8s

helml v2 & v3

helml v2 & v3

Cloud based k8s

Cloud based k8s

OKE (oracle kubernetes engine)

OKE (oracle kubernetes engine)

Ashutoshh Singh

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Red Hat Certified Architect

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