About this Masterclass

Neural networks are one of the world’s most interesting and recent technologies in demand. It is a beautiful naturally-inspired programming standard that empowers a computer to learn from observational data. It contributes to giving the best solutions to problems like image recognition and natural language processing.

Topics Covered

What is Artificial Neuron?
Neural Networks and its working
Designing of Artificial Neural Network
Single Layer Perceptron
Multi-Layer Perceptron
Tuning Parameters
Convolutional Neural Network
Recurrent Neural Network
Python Programming
ML/DL Model Designing
Masterclass Image

Key Takeaways

You Will Not Get Back Empty Handed From Here. We Have Packed A Lot For You

Learn the core principles of Artificial Neural Computing.

Learn the core principles of Artificial Neural Computing.

Learn the essentials of ANN, CNN and RNN with applications

Learn the essentials of ANN, CNN and RNN with applications

Learn to prepare custom models using Tensorflow and Keras

Learn to prepare custom models using Tensorflow and Keras

Build a Project on Deep Learning using custom datasets

Build a Project on Deep Learning using custom datasets

Solving computational problems like – Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Object Recognition.

Solving computational problems like – Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Object Recognition.

Tools Covered



Neural Networks

Neural Networks



Deep Learning

Deep Learning

Saurabh Bhardwaj

Meet Your Instructor

Master Your Skills To Drive Your Career

A professional with knowledge on what organizations search for, he has tips and data that can help you crush overwhelming AI projects. Make sure you don't miss this out.

Data Scientist

Green Tick

Data Analyst

Green Tick

AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate

Green Tick